
The system and service T MANAGER for CFDI generation and stamping provides many advantages in technological automation and functional processes, as well as advisory and support for CFDI issues.

Our CFDI issuance technology stands out by its stamping speed, capacity to scale in volume depending on its operation, stability and reliability of the process at all times, active control and monitoring of the solution.

A 100% cloud solution where you will have all the stamping services without installations on your servers and infrastructure with competitive integration prices, which is reflected in immediate savings.

The system and the information are treated with high security standards from their integration to their consultation and operation. You can have secure access to buyers at any time.

T Manager Connectivity

Ability to connect by any means to the systems and satellites involved in the CFDI generation process. Transmission of sending and receiving files and information.

End to end image

Mapping manager image

T Manager Mapping

File interpretation and conversion module, capable of taking any data format for the CFDI generation with the information that complies with the administrative rules of SAT.

  1. Stamping
  2. File sending via email
  3. Response and connection with additional systems

T Manager Web

Transactional control and monitoring module for files and CFDIs

  1. Users, roles and responsibilities administration
  2. Review of the generated XML and PDF files
  3. Issuing companies and certificate management
  4. Additional processes
    • Cancellation
    • Re-Stampin'
    • Payment complement
  5. Indicators
  6. Reports
T-Manager web


Learn about the detailed experiences of what our customers say about us, our services, and our experience in the EDI / B2B sector.