Privacy Policy

A. Responsible for the protection of your personal data

COLABORACIÓN TÉCNICA COMERCIAL S.A. DE C.V. (onwards TREDICOM) residing in: Blvd Venustiano Carranza 2775 Int 4A, colonia República Poniente en Saltillo Coahuila. Zip code 25265, México. (800) 999 2170, e-mail [email protected] is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

The purpose of this privacy notice is to inform the owner of the personal data that TREDICOM collects, the treatment to which they will be subjected, the procedures to revoke their consent and the exercise of ARCO rights. The previous in order for the owner to decide and control the use of their personal information.

In this medium, TREDICOM does not collect information on sensitive personal data, if it does, the express and written consent of the owner is expressed.

B. What personal data does TREDICOM collect?

The required data is conditioned to the type of product and service used by the users. Some or all of the following information may be required:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Taxpayer identification number
  • E-mail

In the absence of this information, we will be prevented from providing the contracted services to TREDICOM.

C. Where do we get the information?

Directly either verbally, through service contracts, electronic means and by telephone.

D. What is the purpose of obtaining the information?

The personal data collected is used to:

  • Meet the contractual obligations agreed with our clients
  • Allow users of our applications, products and services to use them
  • Manage and control the marketing of products and services
  • Have communication with our prospects, clients and suppliers
  • Comply with the applicable legislation

E. Use or disclosure of information

TREDICOM uses the personal information only for the purposes stated above. The owner accepts that TREDICOM reserves the right to transfer this information to any purchaser of the company, any subsidiary, or any division or business of TREDICOM. Except for those cases, TREDICOM will not share or transfer your data to third parties except in the previous cases in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data or in any other applicable legislation or regulation.

F. Exercise of ARCO rights and revocation of consent

You have the right to access your personal data that we have and the details of the treatment thereof, as well as to rectify them if they are inaccurate or instruct us to cancel them when you consider that they prove to be excessive or unnecessary for the purposes that justified their obtaining or opposing to the treatment of the same for specific purposes.

Additionally, you have the right to revoke the consent granted to TREDICOM to possess your personal information.

The mechanisms that have been implemented for the exercise of said rights and revocation of consent are carried out through the presentation of a request to our privacy department called TREDICOM PRIVACY located at Blvd Venustiano Carranza 2775 Int 4A, colonia República Poniente en Saltillo Coahuila. Zip code 25265, México. (800) 999 2170. E-mail [email protected].

To do this, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Prepare the request in writing and send it signed to the privacy department called TREDICOM PRIVACY at the indicated address. Being able to also direct it to the email: [email protected].
  2. The request must contain the name of the applicant and an email to receive the response to your request
  3. The request must specify if you want:
    • Revoke the consent granted
    • Exercise any of the ARCO rights (indicating which of said rights)
  4. The request must clearly indicate and specify the personal data on which you exercise your request
  5. The request must attach a document proving the identity of the applicant. (Voting credential, Passport, Professional ID, Military Card or other official identification)

Once received, a response to your request will be given within a maximum period of 15 business days to the email address that you have indicated in your request.

G. Changes to the TREDICOM privacy notice

We reserve the right to make changes or updates to this privacy notice at any time, in order to attend to new legislation or jurisprudence, internal policies, new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products and market practices.

These modifications will be available to the public through our website

The date of the last update to this privacy policy: October 1st, 2021

H. Use of cookies and web beacons

Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer equipment when browsing a specific Internet page, which allow the Internet server to remember some information about this user, including their preferences for the visualization of the pages in that server, name and password.

For their part, web beacons are images inserted into an Internet page or email, which can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, such as storing information about the user’s IP address, duration of interaction time on said page and the type of browser used, among others.

We inform you that we use cookies and web beacons to obtain personal information from you, such as the following:

  • Your browser type and operating system
  • The Internet pages you visit
  • The links you follow
  • The IP address
  • The site I visit before entering ours

Glossary of terms

  • Tacit consent: it will be understood that the owner tacitly consents to the processing of their data, when the privacy notice having been made available to them does not express their opposition
  • Expressed consent: Consent will be express when the will of the owner is manifested verbally, in writing, by electronic, optical or any other technology, or by unequivocal signs
  • Sensitive personal data: Those personal data that affect the most intimate sphere of the owner, or whose misuse may give rise to discrimination or entail a serious risk for it. In particular, those that may reveal aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, present and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions, sexual preference are considered sensitive
  • ARCO rights: They are the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition
  • Person in charge: The natural or legal person that alone or jointly with others processes personal data on behalf of the person in charge
  • Institute: Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection
  • Law: Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals
  • Responsible party: private natural or legal person who decides on the processing of personal data
  • Owner: the natural person to whom the personal data correspond
  • Transfer: any communication of data made to a person other than the person in charge or in charge of the treatment
  • Processing: the obtaining, use, disclosure or storage of personal data by any means. The use covers any action of access, handling, use, transfer or disposition of personal data


Learn about the detailed experiences of what our customers say about us, our services, and our experience in the EDI / B2B sector.